Would you mind doing the odd five-minute real estate referral?
It averages $5,000 to $10,000 while you are retired!
Then this program is for you.
When someone calls you on a listing and says can you help me?, you say yes I can! I will have someone call you back. Make a phone call to the listing representative and put referral agreement in place. It is just that simple.
You can view Ontario Commercial Information & Business Opportunities to see activity in our database.

Are you retired from a career in real estate and want to work part time?
Have fun generating the odd five-minute real estate referral by having your own billboard (website) on the Internet..
You have a wealth of experience in being a real estate broker or salesperson. Why not put that to profitable use doing referrals. If there is anything better than listing and selling real estate it is referrals.
The only obstacle is getting leads and ICIWorld.com can help put thousands of real estate opportunities on your website. We will help you set up your turnkey website with our Real Estate Information & Opportunities IDX Licence. A website will cost you less than $20. CAD a month.
It is safe to say that most of your clients don’t even realize that you have retired. However, as you work less and less you begin to live off of your savings. If you are living on what you saved consider the potential of adding to your savings with part time real estate referral income. We have clients rounding up their income doing the odd referral earning $3,000. – $10,000 a real estate transaction (and sometimes more) We can help you get started today !
Book a 15 minute appointment and we will show you how to earn extra real estate income. Retirement is the beginning of a new future. Stay in the game!
Websites with the Real Estate IDX installed
This is a sample grouping of Residential & Commercial Real Estate Websites, from award winning, top earners who have the ICIWorld IDX Licence installed.
We will Help You get Started
We have all the tech and resources you need to help you earn extra money in retirement. Work as little or as much as you want.
Make an Appointment
We will walk you through the system, answer questions and show you how to earn with revenue producing links
Set up your site with our IDX
Secure a domain, set up your site, install the IDX and you are ready. We will create the site and IDX to your needs. Think Globally!
Earn Referral Income
You can put together referral real estate deals using the network your spent all these years developing.
One on One Support
We are here to assist you. Select an appointment day and time and we will meet with you online to help.
Trusted by …. since 1994
Let’s have a look at everything you have going for you:
You have years of experience
You mastered your trade and have the know-how to continue your success and earning income from Real Estate in retirement
You developed a client list
You have spent the past 25+ years developing a solid contact list, continue your relationships by being the person clients call for help in sourcing real estate.
You know how to work efficiently
You didn’t last as long as you did without being able to organize your work day. What if you only needed 15 mintues a day to put together a real estate deal?
Check our Services
Real Estate Services Built for Real Estate Professionals
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Website Developer
RetiredBrokers.com is a program offered by ICIWorld.com to provide a way for real estate retirees to earn money in retirement. Please call 416-804-6227 for more information or if you have any questions.
About Retired Brokers & Salespeople
About RetiredBrokers.com RetiredBrokers.com is part of, and program offered by ICIWorld.com to assist retired and retiring real estate brokers and salespeople earn money. ICIWorld Is a real estate information and business opportunities listing service. We have been in operation since 1994 providing two private databases. Database one is reserved for IDX licence subscribers, who are […]
Earn Money in Retirement with Real Estate Referrals
Congratulations on your Retirement Now that you have retired from a career in real estate you may have started wondering how you can earn some extra money. You are not alone. After the honeymoon period is over many retirees look for a part-time job. Why work when you have retired? There are many different reasons […]